Monday, May 4, 2009

Art deco/art novae...Bob Dylan?


I have an art project (painting) of art deco or art novae(sp?) and the person i'm doing is Bob Dylan. I have the quote "No one is free, even the birds are chained to the sky" and i have bob dylan standing and a bird in the sky. origionally i had a chain linking dylan and the bird and i have one where three big links connect the "e" from "free" and the "e" from "even" and then the bird is flying and dylan is standing there. Maybe a cat at the bottom showing the bird cannot land. im not a good artist and i dont really find that i like many of the art novae/deco posters but it is my assignment. I need further help because im not sure what to do with my design to make it more art deco/noveau....thank you.

Art deco/art novae...Bob Dylan?
art noveau (pronounced: New Vo)

We don't always get what we want .... is the greatest line from any Dylan song. It is so true. It is meaningful and it applies to every generation.

I would see Bob reaching for something he really wants in the deco age and in the noveau age. but it is always just out of reach.

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