Thursday, November 19, 2009

Build an art portfolio!?

I'm in deep trouble! I did high school art until grade 12, but have lost my art portfolio. I wanted to do Vet science and am doing a foundation year, but nwo I'd rather do Visual Arts at Uni. However, how do I build a professional art portfolio before entering Uni if I already graduated from high school?(My art pieces had an accident...)

Build an art portfolio!?
One of the biggest things they look for in a portfolio is figure drawing and anything drawn from real life. So have someone pose for you or draw still life or architecture. Stick to black and white unless you have some knowledge of color theory.
Reply:Get to work , dump your boyfriend and buy a really

nice digital camera . Also better do a power point

presentationand . I asked a friend from school to help me format mine.

Is it possible to model for nude art and be a Christian?

Is it possible to model for nude art and be a Christian? One of my really good friends models for nude art. I'm not going to lie, she has a really nice body with the hour glass shape and is really fit and in good shape. I can see why she models for nude art, though one thing about her is that she's a Christian. I asked her if that goes against her religion to model for nude art and she says it doesn't. She tells me that art is a form of expression and that nude art is a beautiful form of art that has been around for many years. She has invited me to some of her art sessions and from what i noticed it seems as though she models for erotic nude art, with her posing with other female models in sexual erotic artistic poses. Is it possible to model for nude art and still remain a faithful Christian?

Is it possible to model for nude art and be a Christian?
Yes but I don't do erotic poses
Reply:Oh I get it this is one of those joke questions, you just forgot to add the quick link to a picture of some fat nasty chick.
Reply:In my opinion she is not a Christian.
Reply:How many times are you going to ask this? Where is the link this time?
Reply:The "erotic" poses are entirely in your imagination.
Reply:Well I guess it is possible if your friend IS a Christan and she models nude art....don't you think?
Reply:It is not acceptable to use one's body to tempt others. Based on your description of her, guys probably take pleasure in looking at her (the sin of lust). So she commits mortal sin by posing nude (assuming she knows this is seriously wrong). The Lord requires us to dress with Christian modesty, like His mother does.
Reply:There is nothing wrong with nudity. Observe Michaelangelo's david and the ceiling of the sistine chapel.

There is something wrong with sexual promiscuity
Reply:According to Adam and Eve, she should feel bad for being naked and cover herself. According to me, if she's cool with it, then let her do it.
Reply:do you have a link to one of her pictures?
Reply:Yes, because when you are born you are born naked.
Reply:didn't this already get resolved? the answer I gave last time still stands...if it were tasteful nude art, there would be no conflict, but the link you gave last time showed something that is more akin to porn. THAT is simply not acceptable as a Christian or a nudist.

human teeth

Anyone studying FINE ART at LEEDS college Of Art And Design? (or other uni-colleges in Yorkshire)?

Anyone studying FINE ART at LEEDS college Of Art And Design? or for thatmatter any other institution in Yorshire?

Whats it like? I am thinking of doing a P/T art degree,I would mostly like toconcentrate on abstract painting.

I would not like to do too much of the business side of things if it meant too many business entreprenuership and are you finding it? I started a fulltime degree in Art and Design (now called Design Practice) at York St John but hated the OTT and irrelevant (to myself) almost "dragons-den" like business modules. A bit of businesswould be ok, but not silly presentations to real-life bank managers.I want to concentrate on ART.

Anyone studying FINE ART at LEEDS college Of Art And Design? (or other uni-colleges in Yorkshire)?
Sorry to be the one saying it... but if you bothered to look up course specifications you wouldn't be so stuck. It's quite an easy thing to do. All you need to do is have a look at the university website and look under 'course structure' to see the electives and course topics.

Fine Art at leeds has little focus on the business side although it teaches you how to manage and advertise yourself to help you get work and recognition.

Good luck

Question about modern art?

From what I've learned in my modern art history courses, "modern" art dates from the late 1700's to present, and "contemporary" art dates from about 1940 to present. What I don't understand is why the classification for modern art started late 18th century, instead of at the beginning of the Renaissance. That would be a more logical place to separate modern from ancient art (I would think). Does anyone know why "modern" art begins when it does?

Question about modern art?
Labelling art as "modern" art is strongly linked to the Enlightenment period. Before this time (during the Renaissance and periods before) the vast majority of artwork was dedicated to religion. As social and cultural mindset shifted away from theism and towards science artwork began to progress similarly. You can see this shift beginning when you look at Rembrandt's work. He not only paints pieces like "The raising of Lazarus", but he also depicts scenes such as "The Anatomy Lecture of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp". This is what is considered "modern" mentality.
Reply:these are just labels. don't think of Modern as a time period, as in the general world. they just name them as they go. And, we would still have to seperate the art from the 1600's from the "modern" art from the 1800's.

Which martial art will build my humility the best?

i was watching a crap martial arts club today and i was thinking to myself hmm they suck. But what i realised later was that i was an arogant prick. i mean sure they were no bruce lee's but are they really supposed to be i mean deep down arent martial arts just supposed to give you physical fitness and confidence? and who am i to say that they were not really good because there chosen martial art had given them this. this experience has changed me and left me a broken man. i want to study a martal art again but which one should i chose. I dont feel worthy to chose any i am to arogant to join to obey. what to do what to do. I cant stand the lack of ability but at the same time i know that there is no lack of ability its all just a matter of perspective. i cant cope man i cant cope its game over . what martial art will teach me to become truly humble and not judge?

Which martial art will build my humility the best?
Wow, great question. It has the roots of its own answer. Approach life as a student. In ancient times monks used to carry an empty bowl to symbolize the readiness to be filled.

Be hungry to learn.

Don't look so much for the art as much as find a good school. Try to find one that teaches along traditional lines. Steer away from MMA style schools cropping up all over trying to catch the wave of the next fad.

Remember the greatest martial artist will be defeated by someone. This is a great thing because it shows we all have room to grow.

Don't loose heart. Just remember to bring an empty bowl. Good luck.
Reply:no martial arts are about fighting thats what the definition of a martial art is, a skill pertaining to combat(and yes for conquest or more accurately martial refers to fighting in order to gain more land, power or women, that is the definition like it or not). its been twisted by people trying to make money and get away with not teaching you to actually fight. the one that will teach you humility the best is the one where you will get beaten up many times, its difficult to be arrogant when you're getting knocked out or tapped on a frequent basis, and it stays with you, you ever wonder why most wrestlers/boxers are really nice guys? its cause they get beaten all the time, and that teaches you respect, more than bowing and scraping your nose on the floor to further inflate sensei's already overblown sense of selfworth, and lack of humility. if you find an actual fighter who is arrogant there is a reason for it, its because they're damn good, and deserve to be confident, which is usually what it is they're very confident not arrogant. some people will always be arrogant no matter what, and nothing can help them.
Reply:If you were to imagine this scene, In the mall one guy goes in to buy a juicy Whooper burger and at the same time across from him another guy is buying a letus sandwich, they both look at eachother, the letus guy is thinking

"what an idiot, that guy is going to have his arterys clogged up by the time he is 40 while im going to stay healthy"

The burger guy is thinking

"what a dooge, life is short and we all die anyway, i might as well enjoy this whooper, can't wait to see the look on that guys face when they drop the nuke and he goes bye bye"

Two guys, both after the same general thing, food, but both have different philosophys and values in life. One doesnt care about health and wants enjoynment, the other would sacrifice taste for better nutrition

Along come a third guy, he looks at both the food stands and thinks, hmmm, I know that if I eat a burger that it's not going to be good for me in the long run, and I think i value my health at the moment, I can eat the burger once in a while for fun but i'll wait till im old and am about to die anyway before I make it my diet

he looks at both guys and instantly understands where both guys are coming from, he respects that letus guy can eat only lettus and that he wants too look after his body, and he also admires the "don't take life too seriusly, you wont get out of it alive" attitude of the burger guy.

Suddenly a salesman from both the food shops comes up to the guy, the burger salesman sayes to him

"hey man, this burger is the healthyest thing on earth, it's way more healthy than all this other stuff, theres this guy who ate this burger for 10 years and he is uber healthy, im serius"

And the letus salesman says

"hey mate, this lettus is off the hook, if you eat this lettus all the girls will be all over you"

The guy looks stuned for a moment, then cracks up with laughter, and proceeds to beat the crap out of them with his KYOKUSHIN skills :) (a little prduct placement there)

You see, in the martial art world there are burgers, there are sandwiches, and sometimes imaginary sandwiches, some are expansive, some are cheap, for some you get great value, others only cost allot because they are in a good neighbour hood. all you have to worry about is what you want, do you want to be strictly practicle, do you want to have flashy moves to impress the girls, do you want to develop your mind and keep your body healthy? Martial arts all have different purposes, but you need to understand that if someone tryes to sell you something that it's not, turning it away has nothing to do with you being humble or not and everything to do with them selling something off to you, have respect but be realistic as well, martial arts is about humility but i like to think it's also about having some balls and giving your opinion once in a while, and sometimes there wont be enough evidence for you to judge something, in that case just make YOUR choice and walk away

I had fun writing this :) thanx
Reply:I think Aikido would have the most "moral training". They are very deep into that. Also Chi Gong or Tai Chi, they are both very mind broadening.

Is it possible to model for nude art and be a Christian?

Is it possible to model for nude art and be a Christian? One of my really good friends models for nude art. I'm not going to lie, she has a really nice body with the hour glass shape and is really fit and in good shape. I can see why she models for nude art, though one thing about her is that she's a Christian. I asked her if that goes against her religion to model for nude art and she says it doesn't. She tells me that art is a form of expression and that nude art is a beautiful form of art that has been around for many years. She has invited me to some of her art sessions and from what i noticed it seems as though she models for erotic nude art, with her posing with other female models in erotic artistic poses. Is it possible to model for nude art and still remain a faithful Christian?

Is it possible to model for nude art and be a Christian?

I'm one of the people who has taken a live drawing class with nude models (both male and female) posing as subjects. I am very grateful to these people who model so that students like I was at the time could improve our drawing skills.

From the perspective of someone who has drawn from live models, I don't see any reason why the model couldn't be a Christian. Live drawing is not about oogling the model, it's about creating form, line, and shadow in the representation of the human body. True, one could perhaps draw from statues, but there is nothing like being able to draw from a model that will change positions so that you are not always drawing the same thing, or so that you can do a study of a particular muscle group and how it changes as it moves (for example). Clothed models are helpful in some ways but may obscure the muscle or bone structure you want to get right.

Yes, it is sensual, as every art is sensual, but it is not lustful, pornographic or "dirty." The human body is marvelous and having the opportunity to draw a living subject is something I was always very grateful for.

P.S. the models with the nicest bodies are not always the best *models*. The models that I found most helpful were those who struck a variety of different kinds of poses, always facing a slightly different direction so that participants could get a chance to draw them from almost every angle. Students sit all around the model so if they always face the same way, some students will only see their left side and others only their right.
Reply:Nope. I was thinking that it might be in that case if it were truely an art thing. But posing with other wemon in erotic poses blew it out of the water. If she was truely a Christian she would not have even thought about doing that.
Reply:actually, its really about how she feels. if she knows in her heart that God is ok with it, and she's not feeling guilt, then it must be ok.
Reply:All the ladies in the Playboy Mansion are devout Christians.
Reply:There's nothing sinful about the female form.
Reply:why are you people so hung up about nudity and sex?

its art.
Reply:I would have to say yes, simply because I do not recall there being any inherent problem with nudity in the Bible....there was only shame that prevented us from willingly displaying it, but, aside from that, I don't believe that God had a strong sense of disdain for the human body on display...he did create it after all! (Aside from that...if she is not engaging in any sexual activity in the process, she really isn't doing anything wrong...).
Reply:Why the hell not?

Art is just that, ART. The female form is beautiful and symmetrical and lends itself well to artistic expression.

Lewdness and vulgarity is in the twisted mind of the beholder.

When are people going to lose the puritanical, guilt and shame-ridden mentality?
Reply:Why not? Christ preached voluntary poverty for the sake of charity, associating with less fortunate people, and providing an example of benevolent members of society.

Despite what many modern (particularly American) Christians would have you believe, he said nothing about naughty body parts, inappropriate language or how high one could wear one's dress.
Reply:Didn't you ask this last night? I remember telling you that there's a long tradition of nudity in Western Art and that people in our culture are considered uneducated if they are offended by nudity in art? Did you read any of the answers people gave you then?
Reply:As long as she remembers her fig leaf. Remember all, the bible tells us that we need to be afraid of sexuality.
Reply:You asked this yesterday, and I gave a damn good answer and so did many other people.

Go and read the answers, yeah?

Nudity is not a sin. Drawing or painting is not a sin. Nothing going on in that art class is sexual, unless you bring it there in your mind.

If you see erotic images, that's your sin, not her sin, or the artists' sin.
Reply:i don't believe you can be an active Christian and do that because people look at the art lustfully rather they want to or not it is are nature and that is a sin so with that said she is posing naked have others look at her lustfully she is causing others to sin which is a sin in it self

but really that is between her and God
Reply:Sure it is. It is not for us to judge, one way or another. It is HER buisiness, between her and God. After all, she was given free will like anyone else. At least, that's the way I see it.

cleaning dog teeth

What makes ART, ART?

when should we be sure if an art object is really an art object?

how do we know that what we see in an art show (exhibition) or on the street, is or isn't art?

What makes ART, ART?
"Art is a selective recreation of reality according to an artist's metaphysical value judgements."

All works of art are the artist's expression of how things could or should be.

When this responsibility is avoided or abdicated you merely have decor; decoration.
Reply:if it arouses feelings by its beauty, then its art. That means even death can be an artistic depending on whose senses are aroused by the event! I got the argument from a hangman and from Orwell's story, A Hanging.
Reply:Art is an expression of beauty and/or feeling. Art can convey a message or story or it can mean something. Art is different for everyone consequently it can express different things.
Reply:Unfortunately my answer will probably give you no joy.

Anything can be considered art, these days rolling multiple colours of paint over eachother to make some mess is considered art, I personally don't get that but there must be some that do out there somewhere...

Aesthetics are about appeal, if something appeals to you its likely you can easily find an aspect of it thats artistic...

Basically what I'm trying to say is that anything, and/or everything CAN be viewed as art.
Reply:Art, one should remember, is a "creation's" classification. That being so, there is no real "objective" criteria for art. However, it is safe to claim that art encompasses all human expressions, material or not. Art is not solely restricted to an art show, and these days, people desire to see a specific form that they deem art. So, while many things are art, /good/ art is one that conforms to the perspective of a certain somebody, be it socially contrived or not.
Reply:It's art if you feel it is. Don't be embarrassed to care or not care for a created 'something'. Anything that you can appreciate aesthetically is 'Art', whether or not others think it so.
Reply:art is an abstrac thing. you can only determine the objects,paintings or whatever as art when you see something which is the main thing about a picture.then you called it as art. for example, when you see a picture of a baby eating a big-cut watermelon, u can see the main thing that the picture telling u is about a greedy baby feeling not enough to eat a small watermelon. therefore i call this as art
Reply:if you look at it and think it's beautiful or interesting then it's art. if it doesn't have any meaning or you don't have any feelings for it then it's not art.

Stressed. Pressured. The preparation for a Art Portfolio :(?

I really would like some advice from fellow artists, portfolio examiners and students who have experience in this art portfolio area.

I am in highschool now and in my last year, i am taking Higher Art (Art A-Level Equivalent) in 6th year of school.

I think that im in a bad situation to put together a portfolio for Art/Design School.

Important question:

How much time in general does it take to put together a good portfolio from scratch??

My choices to get into art school::

Try and put together a portfolio for applying to art school once the new semester starts..this on top of my Higher Art and 3 other subjects. Put porfolio together within about 6months ( including all the school work i have) and apply in Feb/March after starting school in August.


Go through 6th year and do a few art pieces as to my liking and then after i leave school, go to a college take a year or half a year out to specifically make a portfolio.

Im really lost and would like advice and help.

Stressed. Pressured. The preparation for a Art Portfolio :(?
Goodness, you do not have to take a year off to make a portfolio. That would be self-defeating anyway. The older you get, the better they'll expect your work to be. You'll never have it easier than you do now. :D

Go with the work you have in hand now. Add to it over the next semester---your art class will probably yield at least few pieces you can use. Especially if you inform your instructor the first week of school, if not the first day, that you intend to go to art school and would appreciate his input regarding your portfolio. He can not only look at your work to date, but also give you class assignments with your portfolio's needs in mind.

And if you set a goal of just completing just one complex drawing or painting per month, by January you'll have plenty of work to choose from.

Choose your best stuff. Put your best work on top, because the professors may have a bazillion portfolios to look at and they may only look partway through before making a yes-or-no decision. Make sure everything is clean. They need to see your *work*, not learn how dirty your hands are, whether you like ketchup or mustard, or what color cat you have (hair).

You have plenty of time.
Reply:I just used all my existing work, as trying to do portfolio work specifically is a pain in the bum! Start with your strongest work, then try to make a coherent link between each piece. Don't stress too much, and it wont take you a year and a half! Remember, if you're planning to go to art college, you probably have good enough work already! Ask your art tutor for help, its what they get paid for!!
Reply:Well, the Portfolio is a work in progress. It is meant to display your best pieces.

What I do personally is use pieces I have already completed for mine. If I were to sit down and do pieces that I felt were 'up to par' and do those only, then I wouldn't have a portfolio. Every time I do a new piece and look at the one just prior it makes me cringe. So nothing is ever good enough. It also takes me forever to finish pieces, so it's not feasible time-wise.

As this is your portfolio, it's up to you to figure out your work style, and what you can create feasibly. It won't be from scratch because it's finished pieces. You just need to organize them nicely to show off. Think 'What would I want to see to sell myself?' Use pieces that show a good grasp of perspective, color, shading, or whatever it is you do very well, and would show them that you have the talent to succeed.

Good luck!

What martial Art should I choose? (A Typical question, I know.)?

I am in high school.

I am reasonably fit and I play tennis for my school.

I used to play soccer.

I want three things out of a martial art.

#1 (Ideally) The ability to get past lots of thugs with assorted weapons (in a self defense kind of situation)

#2 The ability to just stop someone from moving without hurting them at all (causing damage).

#3 A sport that won't hurt me. I'm sure there aren't any that causee excessive damage to your own body, but I thought I had to mention this point.

I've looked up Aikido, mainly because of #2.

I want a martial art to which there is no sport, only reality.

For example I don't want to know how to do tricks that will get me "points" in a tournament. I want a martial art that will teach me only how to fig

I want a martial Art that is good against anything, even other martial artists of different arts.

Please don't answer without some explanation.

If you're not sure what to reccommend, just give me the best options.

What martial Art should I choose? (A Typical question, I know.)?
Aikedo all the way. Its aim is not to hurt people, just to disarm them. If the people you practice with are good, they will never hurt you. Its great, its the only purely defensive martial art. Research in on wikipedia.
Reply:You should learn TKD.

They will take your money no matter what and the fact is one whom is as arrogant as you anyone else would be foolish to teach.
Reply:Try checking out some Kenpo demos on Speakman, Frank Soto, Larry Tatum and Ed Parker just to name a few.

Good luck.
Reply:capoeira is one that provides amazing stamina, a good hard work out, along with a strong offensive and defensive arsenal. another i recommend is Muy Thai. it is an art of strength and devastating attacks that allow you to subdue an opponent with one or maybe two strikes without causing serious damage. it provides you with a strong defensive set that are in a way defensive attacks. such as kicking an attackers leg when he tries to kick you and so on. they are both powerful ways to go however nothing will always work. a martial art that is good against anything does not exist. i say this because the ability to defend against anything is a matter of the creativity of the one learning the art. also you should understand that the first premise of any martial art is to only fight when it absolutely necessary. in all other cases if you run you live to fight another day. if you believe there is shame in running most any master you have will either beat it out of you or just remove you from the class. i have also heard good things about cong go do (spelled wrong) just make sure you are getting into it for the right reasons. i was in Muy thai for 7 years and it was great but i only ever use what i learned when i absolutely have to.
Reply:Try Shaolin Kempo
Reply:Martial arts come in 2 basic styles, grappling %26amp; striking. Each has advantages %26amp; disadvantages. Here is a brief summary:

Striking: Tae Kwon Do. Karate, Shaolin boxing

Good: Can handle multiple attackers, can engage at long range, enables you to be pro active when necessary.

Not so good: Ground, hard to control an attacker without inflicting serious injury.

Grappling: Hapkido, Judo, etc.

Good: effective in close, good on the ground, can control an attacker without inflicting serious injury.

Not so Good: Not good at long range, you must wait for the attacker to make the 1st move. Not effective against multiple attackers.
Reply:If you do not want to hurt someone but just want to defend yourself then I would suggest you try jujitsu, judo, or aikido. All of those styles are considered gentle fighting arts, meaning their not geared towards hurting someone, but rather defending one's self.

Now that’s for general purpose self-defense against punches, strikes, kicks, and people grabbing you. Those styles though tend to not be very effective for teaching you how to defend yourself against someone who has a weapon.

For defense against someone with a weapon I would suggest you try learning one of the Kali Filipino Martial arts like Pekiti Tirsia Kali. Their definitely not gentle as those other one's I mentioned but still very effective.

The Kali system style Filipino martial arts focus on fighting with knives and sticks primarily and do incorporate a lot of techniques for defending one’s self against an attacker who has a knife, stick, or gun. This Martial Art is one of the best for self-defense against an attacker with a weapon.
Reply:Aikido is great for #2 and #3 but it wont help you with #1.

Judo is good for #1 and #3 but if you're faced with more then one attacker you will have to hurt someone in order to survive. In reality the safest way to defend yourself is to drop the enemy with one hit. The thing with Judo is it can be used against multiple attackers OR can be a non-lethal/non-injuring art.

Ju Jitsu is similar but focuses on 1-on-1 combat.

Kempo may be a good one but you always run the risk with any punching art of breaking your hand or wrist. kempo teaches you to use the fastest and easiest way to defend yourself so it's great for #1.

Wing Chun is a great one for #3 because it doesn't teach punches but rather palm strikes which you are less likely to hurt yourself with. It's also great for #1 because it's very fast. However it doesn't fit #2 at all, it is very damaging to the enemy.

I hope this didn't confuse you any. You may have to cross train to get that combination of needs. Also you may not find what you are looking for in an art and if you do may not find the school that teaches it in your area. Good luck.
Reply:Sorry, I don't know of any single art that meets your criteria, which I think is very unrealistic anyway.

You want to fight against multiple armed attackers and be able to successfully defend yourself, but not hurt anyone.

Why not just move out of Detroit?
Reply:Capoeira possesses a very unique style that brings together beauty and power, developing mental balance, physical conditioning, self-defense, music and a profound sense of art, all at once. Capoeira can be done by anyone of any age or size. More than a martial art, Capoeira is also a social event filled with tradition and history.
Reply:No martial art is better than the other, so you should probably practice the ones that you are more comfortable with. also from your question kinda says you prefer akido, so u should probably take that one, and also if you want to you can practice more than just one martial art if you want to.
Reply:I'm biased towards tang soo do, because its the one i've spent the most time in and actually can say i know about it.

Its a stand up martial arts though. Punches and kicks mostly. lots of initial submission type of moves are taught, like grabbing a punch/pick and taking someone to the ground, but its always followed up with a stomp to the head or something.

Teaches you how to get out of a variety of holds. Officially...until black belt, there are knife defenses. Usually the instructor will teach you some others weapon defense, but stay away from guns normally. Even with knife defnese, they tell you to run away if you can or give a guy your wallet if he's a mugger rather than try to disarm him.

I'm not gonna say aikido is bad....well with all marital arts, you are really looking at years and years of work. I think it takes a bit longer to get half decent at aikido.

I used to do soccer too and i go more of a workout from these classes than the few miles of running in soccer.

Oh tang soo do does teach you some ground defenses, but again mostly striking...not too indepth too, but you're not completley lost if you end up on the ground........but in all honesty, if a half decent wrestler gets a tang soo do practitioner on the ground, they wrestler probably will win.

Now not wanted to hurt people. hell i dont' want to hurt people...thats why i avoid fights. I'm a muslim in central PA...i think you can imagine how often i get called taliban, terrorist...towel head...sand N*gger...etc. Never been into a fight for those reasons. I get pretty irked, but i just walk away.

But if someone is acutally swinging at you or tryign to stab you...where is the harm in defending yourself by hurting them back. You don't have to kill them or break bones...its your call when you stop.

If you get multiple attackers though and are simply throwing people around, besides hitting the ground, they aren't getting very hurt and probably more angry. Thats not gonna stop them from attacking you.

But yeah thats my suggestion. But think like 10 years before you are half decent compared to street thugs.
Reply:krav maga.

to answer #1:

-its a martial art which emphasises worse case scenario training (eg what to do if you have a broken arm? in a real fight or what if your opponent has a weapon and you dont?). this martial art has the most practical solutions to a fight.

to answer #2:

- they do teach you how to manipulate pressure points so that you dont have to bruise your opponent(s) too badly. but i must say because this is not aikido where you solely practice this, you will need to be a bit more advanced in your krav lessons. they do share techniques from ju jitsu and aikido, but these techniques are never easy to learn in the first place. in aikido you have to learn to break fall and roll without getting hurt, before you can learn these locks techniques.

to asnwer # 3:

-they emphasise safety during training, so you dont get injured. they only simulate the worst cast scenarios without having you to break your arm of course.

krav is tested and proven. it is used by the police and army. but they do have a civillian syllabus. you wont have tournaments in krav maga because it is a real martial art.

anyways i have shared mostly pros and a little bit of cons here and there. i'll be honest with you and end with one con - that krav maga lessons arent as cheap as say tkd. and it depends but where i live it is more expensive than aikido as well.

if you think krav is unsuitable, i strongly recommend what you already are thinking about - aikido.

but personally, maybe it does not fit you. i do favour Jeet Kune Do. so that is option number 3.
Reply:I would still choose a Grappling type Art.

I guess one of the many variations of "Brazilian Jujitsu".

#1 of your needs from an Art is quite unrealistic.

In that situation you would stand little hope of coming out of it unscathed.


However, a while ago a brilliant martial artist named Bruce Lee noticed what I like to call, "Natural Progression".

If you have seen any Boxing matches (or if you've seen 2 drunken idiots fighting in an alley) you would notice that as they punched, scratched or whatever they would move closer together...close the distance until they grappled.

They would "naturally progress" to a close quarters fight.

Bruce Lee realized this and knew his art (a Gung-Fu style) had no answer to this because it was strike-based.

So, he integrated grappling/groundfighting to his own Martial Art, Jeet Kune Do.

Bruce Lee is who I consider to be the prototype of the modern fighter and JKD the prototype for modern fighting arts.

When the UFC debuted, it was thought martial artists would kill each other in the octagon.

That, and several other misconceptions about the fighting arts were dispelled as myth.

It did make 3 things very clear:

1) No single style was the best.

2) Natural Progression.

3) Groundfighting was extremely effective against the mainstream, strike-centered fighter.

In other words, the majority of people HAVE LITTLE TO NO KNOWLEDGE of fighting on the ground...which is why Royce Gracie seemed to be the greatest fighter on Earth.

He wasn't...he was exploiting the weakness that his opponents had, the lack of competitive grappling skill.

My advice, in the situation you described, run or take the fight to the ground...where statiscally, you would fare much better.

Your other needs (#2 and #3) can also be met with choosing a BJJ variant.

It's not an oxymoron, you can fight someone AND defeat them WITHOUT hurting them.

Both in the ring and in the aforementioned alley.

Don't forget, you need the mindset, first.

Please consider reading, "The Tao of Jeet Kune Do" by Bruce Lee.

His philosophy is echoed by modern Champions, knowingly or unknowingly.
Reply:Jeet kune do would be ideal in your situaton, aka the way of the intercepting fist, this style focuses on the ability to stop an opponant from a reasonable distance using powerful sidekicks and attacking ones ego, very effective if confronted againsts large groups of thugs. Good to note this was bruce lee's style.
Reply:I have to recommend that you do do aikido.

It does answer all the points that you mentioned. The only other one i know is taichi - but few people teach it well enough to be worth looking it up really.

I have to disagree with others who say that aikido does not allow you to deal with multiple attackers with weapons. Aikido was designed exactly for that purpose and has been demonstrated many times to be extremely effective in that situation. In fact in senior gradings you are expected to demonstrate that you can do it.

In terms of gentleness - not hurting the opponent that is another of its main qualities.

And in terms of not getting hurt yourself - sometimes mistakes are made and people do get hurt, but it is fairly rare, and it tries to be very gentle.

for the qualities that you are looking for aikido is the only way to go.
Reply:Go with the Gracie tradition of Brazilian Jujitsu. This I beleive is the best way to defend yourself. It is useful really with ground fighting and you can get a weapon away easily. Brazilian jujitsu is all about the arm bars and leg locks for easy submission.

Art colleges in Germany?

I'm a grade 11 visual arts major and I'm really worried about my future...I mean,I know I'm capable of pursuing a career in the visual arts field, but I just don't know which way to go. I used to be interested in interior design (it seems everyone was at some point), then I decided to go into advertising, then industrial design, and now I'm just completely stuck. I'm not sure that any of these things interest me enough to do them for the rest of my life... I can tell you that I really enjoy writing and drawing (mostly abstract stuff), but I can't really think of a career that would satisfy both of those interests...Also, right now I live in Toronto and it seems like it's not a very good place to be getting an art degree...I was thinking of going to Germany and getting an art degree there ( I was born there and studied German for 6 years in a different country, so I would probably pick up the language pretty fast...I learned English 3 years ago)

Do you know any good colleges in Germany?

Art colleges in Germany?
Duesseldorf has a great academy:

To be able to study Arts in Germany you will need a letter of intend and a portfolio of 20 pieces of art that you did.

It's tough -competition is high - you will have to believe in yourself all of the time to do it. Good luck!
Reply:sure i think you should maybe you sloud stay with family they you wont have to stay on campus

dr teeth

Im really upset about my art class?

I try really hard in my art class to apply what I envision onto my work and to try and get it into art shows because I want to go to college for art and design, and I want people to experience what I experienced while creating my artwork, and art is one of my biggest passions.

I have yet to get my work into an art show, and yet to even get a compliment from my art teacher. (I am in 10th grade)

When she walks around the room, she'll give other compliments and tips for "advancing" (in her words, but in my mind, it's changing) their artwork, she passes me up, or completely disses my work.

If I ask her a question about something, she will basically tell me what to change and how to change it, and then tells me all of this other stuff I have to change on my art, when I never wanted to change it in the first place, I just ask if she sees what it is supposed to be. It's rather embarassing too, especially when we do class critiques of our art, and she insults my work, when saying good

Im really upset about my art class?
Art class critique isn't really about the interpretation of your personal art but about learning art techniques. In changing things in your art, you can learn to manipulate your medium. I am not saying the teacher isn't a pain, but don't worry about it as a personal diss.

Art shows, the easiest way to get seen is to show. If you enter open art competitions in your area, you are better able to be seen in a way that will further your career.
Reply:If you really love art and creativity, just do it. Be the best you can be. Don't worry about what other people like at this point. Just improve yourself again and again.

Of course we all want other people to approve of us and what we do, but the best artists develop their own style, and if it is different from other people, so much the better. And remember that no matter how good you become, there will be a LOT of people who won't like your style. Lots of people like Thomas Kincaide, and they are not the same people who like Van Gough.

Try not to put too much importance on either insults or compliments. Art appreciation is an individual thing and nobody can speak for others.

Good luck!
Reply:She doesn't sound very encouraging. Have you asked others besides your parents) for their honest opinion of your work?

Something seems wrong about this situation. Have you ever talked to the teacher in private about your art work?

It's possible that your work is not good or she thinks everyone should do the same type of work that she approves of? She leaves no room for personal interpretation.

You need to talk to your teacher in private about this.
Reply:when you're in art class, work on your artwork a little and ask her "do you like it?" instead of waiting for her to come to you and ask what you should do to make your art better. maybe at the end of class tell her privately that you really want to get some of your work in an art show. ask her what art shows there are and what you should do and what kind of art you should do.

don't think your art is ugly just because the teacher says so. its your own art and only what you think matters. everyone has a different opinion. your art teacher's opion is that she doesn't like your style of art. even if shes mean and laughs at the thought of you entering an art show, enter it anyways. look in internet sites, news, etc choose the art you think is the best and most creative.

hope this helps! and good luck!

Art major in College?

Im a senior in High School and untill now I haven't paid much attention to my old hobby of drawing and my old love of art, and well due to this I have taken no classes to improve these skills and have made no effort untill now to really push myself into bettering my abilities in art. Well I'm nearly convinced of taking an art major in College and I was wondering is this a safe choice? Like I've been afraid lately that I might learn little and well be around other extremely amazing artists leaving me in the dust....Is it safe to take on an art major when i get into college?

Art major in College?
It depends on what kind of college you choose, if you choose a state, community, or private art college.

Private art colleges cost tons more money, and people who attend those tend to be very into what they study, they know it's their passion so they like spending every second of their life on it. It's a lot of hard work. Also the same thing probably applies with the more hard to get into state colleges, but I'm not 100% sure. At private art colleges, likely the liberal arts classes are easier, and take up less of your time as your supposed to spend the bulk of your time on your studio classes.

If you choose like a local community college you'll likely be with less ambitious people and moms whose kids have all left the nest, so they need a new creative hobby to occupy their time. Or you'll be with those "mad at the world" artist types who've been doing art their whole lives and have had their asses kissed their whole lives, and are bitter because they are stuck going to community college because of financial reasons so they insult people who are worse than them and treat everyone like crap.

The thing about majoring in a creative field, is that it's always a risk, which is why when doing something like that you should choose what you love the most and want to spend the bulk of your time on.

When you say "safe", perhaps it might be, as when you get your Masters degree in art, you become eligible to teach college, unlike in other subjects, which you need a PHD to become a professor.

As for fearing "learning little", it's kind of what you make it, research the faculty and see if they are people who you think are qualified to teach.

There are critiques in art classes, that you should actively participate in as it will help you get better, I don't think people are going to be too hard on you, if they see you working hard and trying your best, but you should be serious about your profession in life regardless and build a "thick skin" as rejection is part of being a creative artist in any field.
Reply:I'd choose something more practical. You'll find that art as a hobby is nothing like learning art in college. Focus on something that leads naturally to a job. Maybe graphic design or web design (computer science). Make sure whatever you pick translates easy into a very obvious job and that there is a market for that degree. Graduate with an art degree and you'll find yourself an administrative assistant AFTER you graduate wondering what happened.
Reply:maybe if u dont mind being poor...unless ur really good and lucky which i doubt if ur worried about other people being better. no offence. but if money isnt everything then go for it. id recommend taking english classes. taken no classes= taken any classes..made no effort...made any concentrate on the basics

Im really upset about my art class?

I try really hard in my art class to apply what I envision onto my work and to try and get it into art shows because I want to go to college for art and design, and I want people to experience what I experienced while creating my artwork, and art is one of my biggest passions.

I have yet to get my work into an art show, and yet to even get a compliment from my art teacher. (I am in 10th grade)

When she walks around the room, she'll give other compliments and tips for "advancing" (in her words, but in my mind, it's changing) their artwork, she passes me up, or completely disses my work.

If I ask her a question about something, she will basically tell me what to change and how to change it, and then tells me all of this other stuff I have to change on my art, when I never wanted to change it in the first place, I just ask if she sees what it is supposed to be. It's rather embarassing too, especially when we do class critiques of our art, and she insults my work, when saying good

Im really upset about my art class?
Art class critique isn't really about the interpretation of your personal art but about learning art techniques. In changing things in your art, you can learn to manipulate your medium. I am not saying the teacher isn't a pain, but don't worry about it as a personal diss.

Art shows, the easiest way to get seen is to show. If you enter open art competitions in your area, you are better able to be seen in a way that will further your career.
Reply:If you really love art and creativity, just do it. Be the best you can be. Don't worry about what other people like at this point. Just improve yourself again and again.

Of course we all want other people to approve of us and what we do, but the best artists develop their own style, and if it is different from other people, so much the better. And remember that no matter how good you become, there will be a LOT of people who won't like your style. Lots of people like Thomas Kincaide, and they are not the same people who like Van Gough.

Try not to put too much importance on either insults or compliments. Art appreciation is an individual thing and nobody can speak for others.

Good luck!
Reply:She doesn't sound very encouraging. Have you asked others besides your parents) for their honest opinion of your work?

Something seems wrong about this situation. Have you ever talked to the teacher in private about your art work?

It's possible that your work is not good or she thinks everyone should do the same type of work that she approves of? She leaves no room for personal interpretation.

You need to talk to your teacher in private about this.
Reply:when you're in art class, work on your artwork a little and ask her "do you like it?" instead of waiting for her to come to you and ask what you should do to make your art better. maybe at the end of class tell her privately that you really want to get some of your work in an art show. ask her what art shows there are and what you should do and what kind of art you should do.

don't think your art is ugly just because the teacher says so. its your own art and only what you think matters. everyone has a different opinion. your art teacher's opion is that she doesn't like your style of art. even if shes mean and laughs at the thought of you entering an art show, enter it anyways. look in internet sites, news, etc choose the art you think is the best and most creative.

hope this helps! and good luck!

Art foundation course?

At the moment im in my second year of a levels at sixth form and i am hopefully going to go to a college and do an art foundation. After that i want to go to Uni and complete a degree in an area of art i am most interested in and want to specialise in. Should I be getting my UCAS teacher references from my current teachers ie psychology, eng, art, textiles now and use them for when i eventually apply for uni or is it ok just to have my art foundation teacher reference?

Art foundation course?
Your art foundation teacher's reference will be enough. By the time you leave foundation you will be a completely different person anyway. Have fun, good luck!

Racing Shoes

Art school?

Right now I'm at a regular university, and I'm double majoring in biology and art practice. I'm considering going to an art school after college. I'm interested in things like Illustration, Cartooning, Sequential Art, those kinds of majors. What are some of the best art schools for those majors?

Art school?
check with your local community college, sounds like they have what you seek.
Reply:Have you looked into SVA?

Art therapy?

I'm a highschool student currently thinking about careers I would like to pursue in the future. I recently read and article about art therapy and it seemed like an interesting field.

I am passionate about art and have a good level of interest in psycology so I am curious if this career could be right for me.

So...Does anyone know what kind of education one would need to become an art therapist? Major in psycology or visual art? Do I need a masters degree? Do tell.

Art therapy?
Probably a Master's in Psychology with a minor in art.
Reply:First it helps to know how to spell "psychology".

Minimum to be a counselor of any sort is a master's degree. Not sure if the hybrid thing would work but since some universities have actual degree programs (probably not bachelor's) in art therapy you could look into those. There is an american art therapy association that you'd probably have to become acredited with to practice.

What is art?

These days anything can be art. A swirl of colors on a styrofoam plate can be art. Some guy screaming words about killing people can be art. A steamy romance novel with every other page involving a dozen grammar errors and at least one sex scene is art...

What do you consider art and where do you draw the line between art and modern crap?

What is art?
Anything and everythign can be called a piece of art. even a coffee cup can be considered art. Art in any form, that pleases a human eye or ears, in sense of music, movies, paintings, books can be considered creative.
Reply:art is one thing which people differs from state of thing which doesnt match with is "FUSION OF CREATIVITY %26amp; THINKING"
Reply:To me art are those things I consider pretty.

An artist is one who takes his work seriouslly and dedicates alot of time to it
Reply:I think "Art is anything that holds a person's sense of order" is a good definition to start with. Art is, thus, not only paintings and sculptures but also the way you talk

If you dislike this definition because you find it useless, maybe you should analyze what relationships you assume there are between "What art is", "What art you like" and "What art work is worth investing in"

The quality of a work is agreed to be related to its consistency and evolution from the artist's previous works; the value or importance of that work depends on its quality and the influence it has on other artists' works; and its market value depends on other factors

I don't know if this helps you draw a line between art and crap, but I hope it has contributed to clarify what the situation is
Reply:art is something that helps u change ur point of view for something dramatically. u mite luk at something in art and say "ohh thats a totally new perspective"

Art art art?

i wanna learn how to do diviant art! how do you do diviant art? need some help here!

Art art art?
art is hard, you just cant learn it in a second.
Reply:Here is a video.

braces teeth

Which Chicago art fair is better, 'Schaumburg Prairie Arts Festival' or 'St. Charles Fine Art Show'

I am an artist. I paint oils on canvas. Landscapes. I am looking to participate in an art fair THIS PARTICULAR weekend (May 26), during which both these shows take place. I am trying to figure out which of these two art fairs is better. I would define the "better" art fair as the one in which I can sell more my fine art. Maybe NEITHER is good enough! I would appreciate any feedback. Thanks!

Which Chicago art fair is better, 'Schaumburg Prairie Arts Festival' or 'St. Charles Fine Art Show'
St. Charles Fine Art Show will definitely attract a more upscale crowd. I'd recommend that one for sure.
Reply:Schaumburg Prairie Arts Festival

Which art school is better - Art institute of CA San francisco or Academy of Art University?

I am transferring from a community college soon and I need help. I've basically narrowed it down to two schools: The art institute of san francisco and the academy of art university. I have read the each of the sites thoroughly and I am still stuck as to where to go. I have also had an interview with the art institute so I pretty much have an idea of what they are all about. However, I just want to be sure that I don't make a mistake I will regret. I think both schools are great but I just need help in deciding. I wanna know from first hand experience. So PLEASE!!!! can someone shed some light on these schools!

Which art school is better - Art institute of CA San francisco or Academy of Art University?
I go to the Academy of Arts Univ (AAU) and will graduate from there next spring. I can't really tell you about the Art Institute, but I can tell you about AAU.

I'm getting a degree in computer animation and I absolutely love it. I started out commuting to the campus and after a couple semesters, have switched completely to online classes because I work full time. The campus is spread out through S.F. Most of the campus and the administration building is on New Montgomery St. The computer labs are there as well as the administration offices, but some of the other department's buildings are in different spots. The campus has a busing system, so you can take a free bus if your classes are spreadout in the city.

One thing that they do at AAU that I don't know if the Art Institute does, is they require every major to take some basic "foundations" classes in art. So you will have to several drawing classes regardless of your major. The idea behind this is they want every graduate to have a foundation in the principles of art and they use that to help sell graduates to potential employers. If you don't think you can draw, though, don't be nervous. They have great teachers and I've seen some of the worst artists on the first day of class and watched them produce some great looking stuff on the last day of the semester.

AAU has open enrollment, so you don't need to submit a portfolio to get in. The thing I like about that is you will get a broad mix of people. Some people are book smart, but aren't the best artists, while some people are genuinely talented artists but aren't very booksmart.

The teachers are great, but they are demanding. The school really works hard to impress the importants of deadlines on students. I've had some really laid back teachers who will let you submit late work and I've had some teachers who won't accept late stuff at all, but they really drill into that you need to get your work in on time. Another thing they teach the students is how to give critiques and to critique other people's work.

The thing that most impressed me with AAU and ultimately made the decision for me to attend was that when I started showing an interest in the school and asked for information, they actually pursued me. They actually had a financial aid officer call me and ask me how he could help.

Another thing I really like about the school is they are constantly adding new classes and they will change your degree course depending on the technology available. Since I'm in computer animation, they are adding a ton of new classes and will change my curriculum if it's for the better.

I really recommend you call AAU and get set up for a tour. This is the perfect time right now because we're about to have the Spring Show, which is a showcase of all the best students' work from this school year. My first tour with AAU was during the Spring Show and I was really intimidated by the great work people were putting out, but after attending the school, I actually have some good pieces myself.

Feel free to email me if you have more questions.
Reply:Art Institute!

Art Galleries Art Museums and such?

Well, after about 3 years of being artistically dead, I have refound it and have just gotten back into art, from drawing to music.

For more research and inspiration hopefully, my friend recommended Art Galleries and Museums which i have no idea how to approach. She said as I live in New York, there shoudl eb some of the best exhibits and such and a true experience waiting to be found.

I'm a total novice at this so i was wondering are these places I can just go up to and walk in to? Or pay and then go in? Or are there certain schedulings and such I should know about before going in?

Basically I'm looking for somewhere that has some good art, paintings, drawings, sculptures, anythign really worth looking at and visually studying by myself.

So any help, suggestions, tips and advice are needed!!

Also if anyone knows any good places to go that would also be awesome! If its any help I live in Bayside, NY.

Art Galleries Art Museums and such?
Type "art museums, New York City" into your search engine, then click onto the websites of any of the gazillion organizations that pop up. All of the web sites will give you the nuts and bolts details: location, schedules, whether or not there is a cost, (even those that do charge an entry fee will often have a day or an evening with reduced cost or free entry.) The bigger museums will have at least a portion of their collections accessible from their web sites, so you can check out their holdings before investing your time to go.

You don't mention what your interests are, but somewhere in New York there will be a museum that has something interesting to you.
Reply:Hi! I would recommend to do something diffrent go to a tattoo shop that's art and it has alots of history and it means alot to diffrent people. Alots of people who gets tattoos it has something to do with there life. Just and case your not intrest l would send you a couple of address that i know at New York.
Reply:You just walk in, there's really nothing you have to know before walking into a gallery except the obvious, don't touch the work. If you want to talk to other people about the art there check gallery websites and look for flyers or ask for information there as to when they hold receptions. Then maybe too you can get a chance to see what the artist has to say. Generally some larger museums may make you pay, if it's anything like D.C. then not all of them. Have fun exploring galleries!

Is burlesque art deco or art nouveau?

I have to make a painting for art class demonstrating either the art deco style or art nouveau.It has to be a dance poster so i was thinking about a burlesque dancing theme.but im not sure if burlesque dancing was more towards the art deco period or art nouveau period.

Is burlesque art deco or art nouveau?
Burlesque is broad enough to work with either one.

American burlesque often had some sort of cultural or historical theme to get it by the censors. That is if you call it belly dancing and dress the girl up in a harem costume, you could get away with it. I was thinking of Klimt's women, which seemed to blend to use that ancient look combined with a modern sensuality.
Reply:Well, if Toulouse-Lautrec is any indication, he was around more during the art nouveau period. Then again, burlesque doesn't really describe the posters he painted. The Art Deco era would probably better coincide with the height of popularity for burlesque dancing, and I think Art Deco would be a better style to represent burlesque dancing. The structural style is a good contrast with the dancers.
Reply:it depends on the style of your burlesque dancer- think art nouveau as free flowing and natural, it is organic and of nature

art deco think- streamline, modern and slick, it is of the future and high tech, stylized

the periods are not really far apart, it was a difference in philosophy, it your art piece is to represent on of the two, i would google "art nouveau" and :art deco" look at the images that pop up, they are very different- you subject matter could work in either- depends on your image of the dancer and the outfit

Dental Insurance

How is art done on the computer?

Okay, this isn't as stupid as it sounds, but I know there's some software out there that lets you do art on the computer. I guess an example of art would be some cartoon pic. on DeviantArt website. How can I do art like that? How can I make my art look more...professional? Below is an example of what I'm talking about (in case you're confused): can I make my art (the colors...the technique) make it more like the example link? Is there a software that lets me do that?

How is art done on the computer?
Like Eduardo said that was probably done in Photoshop. The drawing is done by hand and then scanned. The lines are put on a layer by themselves and the colours are added to the layers below.

You can also use Illustrator. Here is a link to a site that uses this for illustrations. The technique is the same.

There is also one post showing a work as it progresses which might give you some understanding of the process.

But what you need to do really is learn then practice lots.
Reply:you can use photoshop. by using an existing drawing you made, you have to scan it and then color it in and add effects like shadows and such, but it is kinda dificult if you are a newbie, you need some degree of skills to pull something offf like the picture in the link. these guys have been doing these kinds of drawings for some time.

Submitting art to gallery in ny or nj? risque art!?

does anyone know any art galleries that i can submit art to in nj or nyc. - my art is a lil sexual , dark, and violent. most classic galleries do not want my style in the gallery they find it offensive. anyone know any galleries that take a more "risque" art style.

Submitting art to gallery in ny or nj? risque art!?
No thankyou

Art Job in Sacramento CA?

Hi, i have currently a MA in art and am looking for an art related work like, art teaching.

I live in sacramento CA and was wondering if anyone knows of a school/college/university that would need one?

i desperatly need a art related job.

thank you!

Art Job in Sacramento CA?
Hello -- TO be honest I don't know if they are hiring, but a friend of mine was an art instructor at CSUS. It may be something to look into. Another thing, you might be able to get a job teaching at the high school level since you obviously have enough education -- or at least substituting while you seek somehting a little more permanent.

Position Type Full-Time Contract

Company Name Secret Consumer

Location Atlanta, GA; Sacramento, CA

Salary $10-$40/hour

Date Posted August 31, 2006

Experience 0-1 Years Experience

Art art art?

i wanna learn how to do diviant art! how do you do diviant art? need some help here!

Art art art?
Visit and create an account. Once you have one, just upload your works and they will be ready for people to see. It's a pretty easy thing to learn and the community is generally friendly.
Reply:Genitalia. Lots of genitalia. Mutilated, and executed in unusual media, like meatloaf. You might get an NEA grant.
Reply:diviant art is a website were people uploaded pictures of their art. kinda like myspace for artists.
Reply:If you can't figure out how to sign up for the site you probably shouldn't be trying to use it. :p

permanent teeth

Art Minor?

Two questions, actually.

1: I've heard of a degree in Art History... are there other forms of degrees in Art as well?

2: Could I minor in art with no other formal experiance? I've being drawing since the fifth grade and am rather good, or so they say. However, due to the wonkiness of my high school, I wasn't able to take art classes. Will that be a problem?

Art Minor?
Degrees in art can vary from school to school, but there is an abundance of fields you can concentrate in, from painting and drawing, sculpture, glass, jewelry, wood, metals, photography, etc. Not all schools offer these, but you can find them with enough research. There are different degrees in art too, including minors, associates, BA's, and BFA's. BFA's, or Bachelor of Fine Arts, is a professional degree for the arts, and the only one above that is a MFA (Master of Fine Arts). Art History is the only art degree that offers a PhD.

Lacking prior experience in art classes in high school could be a problem if you're applying to an art college or some private college/university. Usually such schools are competitive to get into and require a portfolio when you apply. However, there are many public schools that don't require experience or a portfolio to get into their art program, and some public schools have excellent art departments. Hope this helps.

Art galleries in soho?

even though i lived in nyc forever, ive never been to like an art gallery like in soho, ive never been into art, but would like to give it a try, does anyone have any cool art galleries or something to go to, but i want it to be something hip, not like those boring historic art gallerys/meusems?

Art galleries in soho?
buy a copy of the New York Times Out magazine or check out their website - they write reviews of cool galleries on weekly basis, but honestly they are grouped so close together you can spend a day looking at all of them, as each gallery is usually a room or two - it does not take too long to view them (and they are free!)
Reply:See if the The Jazz Gallery is to your liking.

You can look on and when ever you need reviews on stuff.

Commercial Art career???

Ok. Although i am in my junior year of high school, i have decided what i want to do as a career. something in the commerical arts or graphic design. anyway, i am currently trying to get into AP studio art or advanced placement art. i am also currently in commercial photography, which is a tech prep course. for my senior year, should i take a business class as well? just so i have some business skills for the commerical art field? even though i'm in photography, i plan to proceed commerical art through drawing rather than photographing.

Commercial Art career???
Start putting a portfolio together now. If you can spring for a website to display your art and photos do that. Only about $60. Finally start sending resumes out to whomever you want to work for today. If you wait until you graduate you'll be in competition with everyone graduating.

Art History Question for SMART People?

Consider the art and architecture of the Sumerians, Babylonians, Assyrians, and the Persians: What did these major civilizations of Mesopotamia have in common? What were their differences? What is the relationship between art and survival? If life depended on the art that was created, what form of art would be most appropriate?

Art History Question for SMART People?
While i am in no way a "smart" person, and despise the tag, I think there is a somewhat obvious link between all civilisations and art.

In the abstract that link is inspiration and purpose.

In the concrete (oh look at the post-modernists shudder) that's god and women (with most famous artists unfortunately male and all).

Most of the civilisations you mention where polytheistic (the exception being the Persians to a degree), and the link between art and gods (re: pleasing them) is pretty established - indeed the Western world's most famous art period - the Italian renaissance is almost exclusively religious.

From here the link with survival is obvious. Particularly in polytheistic, but also monotheistic, societies, the act of pleasing gods related directly to you crops, fertility, survival and whether or not your local sports team won. So ignore you gods at your peril.

As for your final question, i think the above explanation answers it. These societies lives depended on their organisation, and their gods, so the art they created necessarily was the most appropriate for their survival - from the great 5 legged Assyrian winged horses (so they had appropriate amounts of legs from front and side on) to the Stone of Hammurabi, which set out "an eye for an eye" on a glorious stone obelisk - both can be seen in the Louvre - it all served that purpose.

buck teeth

Album art not working in Sansa e250?

I have a Sansa e250 and I've been trying to put album art with the songs for the longest time ever. It's not a very big deal, I know, but the album art thing is just really cool. I've tried pasting album art on WMP and syncing it almost 30 times, and I've tried the tag editor Tag%26amp;Rename. I saw someone say to put in the picture you want in the album folder and name it Album Art, but when I tried to do that it gave me this error message:

"The file "Album Art" is not supported on this device. This device can only accept audio, playlist, audio album and folder files."

Help is appreciated.

Album art not working in Sansa e250?
I have a Sansa e280R. I hate how you have to do this.

All you have to do is when you add a song in Windows Media Player, just Google the correct album name in Google image search.

Then under the photos there are numbers.

The numbers stand for pixels.

Find picture sizes that are 70x70 , 75x75, 100x100 , and sometimes 120x120

Just right click on that image and click copy

Then in Windows Media Player, right click on the empty album art box, and click Paste Album Art

And then Sync to your Sansa

(This process only works with Windows Media Player 11)

ART ART and more ART help.?

Alright, so I ran out of art ideas and going nuts. I tried searching for some inspiration and failed.

Can you please give me some inspiration, perhaps ideas on ANYTHING? Oh and the ANYTHING needs to include a meaning.

I will be needing at least 2, since I need to finish 2 pieces before vacation ends.

Yeah... IB art sucks. It always needs a meaning.

ART ART and more ART help.?
Oh goodness! You could do your pieces on anything! Let's see... How about a tree of life? I did something like that once and it turned out really great. You could make it abstract or surrealistic also. You could have certain objects coming from the tree to show all of the issues life involves, and it could be standing on something that means a lot to you. For example, if you're religious, it could be a cross or something of that sort because that's what your life is built on, does that make sense? Or if you're not religious it could be anything else.

For a second piece you could have something representing an issue in your life, or in the world. Or it could even represent yourself. In my art class, we recently did self portraits that showed WHO we are, not what we are. It was really amazing to see the finished product of everyone's piece! It's a great way to get to know yourself more too.

When I need inspiration, I always go outside and sit or walk for awhile. Nature is really beautiful and it helps me to think. Also, looking at other peoples art work helps TONS! I've developed my style of art and my skills from looking at other pieces of art. It's really a great way to get inspiration!
Reply:Read some of the stuff from this website I found, it will help!
Reply:- jellyfish in space

- a beach scene

- mothers day picture

you should try listening to music. that always helps me when i get art blocks :)

teeth yellow

Homework: Art Inspires?

Hi, i have to make a Photoshop Artwork on something art inspires, These are some of the one's kids in my class did.

Art Inspires Music

Art Inspires Independence

Art Inspires Oneself

Art Inspires Others

I cannot use these because others have already used them, plz give me some ideas, Thanks :)

Homework: Art Inspires?
Creativity, athletes, patriotism, kids, elderly, tourists, people who are sick, teachers, commerce, consumers, computer users.
Reply:Art is who we are. Right down to our very souls. When you study ancient history, you study their art. Art illustrates the level of intelligence, their humanity. In the far future and our present art history is studied...what will it say about us. ... maybe that we worship technology, because about all we will leave is a cd or a dvd.

Art History question about Baroque Art?

What are all the characteristics of the Baroque period in general?

What are specific characteristics(majoy and minor) of Baroque art of the seventeenth century?

What are characteristics of Late Baroque art of the Early Eighteenth Century?

What are characteristics of the Rococo art?

10 points for most accurate characteristics! Thanks.

Art History question about Baroque Art?
Well, the Baroque Period, c.1600-1750, was a broad, regional style of art that had evolved from and slightly overlapped with the Mannerist Style. Italy, France, Spain, and Flanders were all regional centers of art that were highly influenced by the Counter-Reformation. Holland was Protestant, so the subjects were naturally different.

Certain painters had carried certain characteristics. Caravaggio had relied on using overly religious scenes to draw upon feeling and appeal to emotion. This was achieved through extreme chiaroscuro, or tenebrism. His art was the embodiment of Counter-Reformation art. Dutch Baroque art was slightly different. Vermeer for example, had focused on an portraying women in domestic scenes in a sense of admiration. Others, specifically the group of painters called the "Little Dutch Painters", as opposed to the "Big Three" (Rembrandt, Vermeer, Hals), had painted a variety of different types of still life portraits as well as landscapes and big sky paintings, all allegorical. The patronage of Dutch Art was usually the bourgeoisie (middle/merchant classes).

Within Baroque Art, a very broad category to cover, there were several subdivisions. This includes the French Baroque's "Sun-King/Lous XIV's" political propaganda.

Rococo Art, c.1700-1770, was no longer painted for the middle classes. It was instead a type of art that was commissioned by the wealthy aristocrats for salon entertainment. Rococo Art is characterized by frivolous and amorous pursuits of the subjects in paintings. Wealth was often portrayed in paintings of this style (such as jewelry, citrus fruit that had to be imported, salt). The color palette, as opposed to the later Romanticism's warm earthy tones, is full of cool, candy and baby colors.
Reply:Rococo art is much lighter and whimsical while Baroque was not, it was harsher
Reply:Hey I'm taking art history too.....

General characteristics of baroque art is a sense of movement, energy, and tension (whether real or implied). Strong contrasts of light and shadow enhance the dramatic effects of many paintings and sculptures. Even baroque buildings, with their undulating walls and decorative surface elements, imply motion. Intepainters sought a grander sense of space and truer depiction of perspective in their works. Realism is another integral feature of baroque art; the figures in paintings are not types but individuals with their own personalities.

IS pop surrealism or pop art considered to be fine art?

I am a16 year old aspiring artists and i love pop art espicially those of mark ryden.I recently read a article about how pop surrealism isn't recognizzed b the art world and major galleries. I enjoy creating pop art but i Am also talented at hyper realism and realism art, such as portraits,landscapes, and still life's. would i be more successful sticking to the realism genre?Is pop art getting more popular?Do you consider pop art to be afine art?i know i have alot of questions.just curious.

IS pop surrealism or pop art considered to be fine art?
pop art is certainly a fine art (remember andy warhol).

i studied 3 years at an art college, and my recommendation for you is to do what you love, and if it isn't recognized by the "art world" make it! show them how it's "art" and challenge them to open their minds...that is after all what art is, opening your mind to possibilities.

good luck:)

Art and Mental Disorders.?

I'm very intersted in finding the correlation between art and mental disorders. Why are so many artist, whether it be music or art or whatever , have mental disorders. I'm not trying to be offensive, I take art myself and hearing they people in advanced art talk about what therapist they go to like it is a common thing. Why is this so? 9/10 I have one ,too.

Art and Mental Disorders.?
What you need to know, it that creative people tend to be much more sensitive and in tune with their emotions. Sometimes we get too deep, and if we are not careful, our emotions take control. That is why there are more artists with psychological issues then any other personality type.
Reply:They have many feelings and if these emotions are displayed into the artwork, the results should be appealing.

broken teeth

Is modern art art?

As a normal person I naturally find modern art rather a joke. The 'unmade bed', 'piles of bricks', even 'empty rooms with lights that go on and off' are shown as works of artt. Now I know that it is not easy to define art, and at the end of the day there is no good or bad art, good is what an individual likes and bad is what he doesn't like. But if, as it seems, anything is art, then everything is art, and so it becomes worthless, it's like saying a grain os sand is precious when there are countless millions of them. Phew! all rather profound that. Must go and lie down!

Is modern art art?
the Tracy Emin bed of course could have been made by anyone, but the point is as she put it ''no one else did, i did''.

If she can make money from it then why not after all i believe that art is about provoking reactions where it be good bad or indifferent, that's the whole point as long as you form an opinion.
Reply:The thing is, art is subjective like most other genres, and there's no reason why it can't be a joke. It depends on how you read the piece, or if you want an artist to be a philosopher, comedian or skilled craftsman.

And you can't call work by sculptors such as Ron Mueck and Anthony Gormley unskilled. Also there are lots of unheard of artists out there, not known sometimes because they are talented and don't cause enough controversy. For example,check out my mate's blog

There is good, bad and downright ugly artwork out there, but it mostly leads to social comment in one form or other, and will hopefully tell future generations a bit about how we do things just now, which is where the 'everything is art' comes in.

Also, strictly speaking, modern art isn't the art of today, but from a few decades back; we since then moved into post-modernism and now we are beyond that, but I have lost track of the different names of art eras and movements. I don't think it really matters how we categorise art, and I don't think you have to be arty or normal to know what you like and appreciate skill, talent or a clever idea. And you know what, a lot of artists do make their work as a bit of a joke, or at least have fun with their work, trying to shake up institutions a bit and get their ideas and points heard by not trying to be to traditional arty or anything really expect themselves, just exploring and exploiting their worlds.
Reply:I like classics more but i think that a lot of what is now classic was dismissed in its time and many have asked question similar to yours over centuries.

Future will tell us. Art reflects era it was created in and this is art of our time.

I do believe that there is good and bad art though - sometimes a painting is truly badly done and it means nothing - it is lower than kitch and a comic strip is beautifull and meaningful.
Reply:You are confusing 'modern' art with 'contemporary' art. Modern art refers to art of Modernity. We are generally thought to be in the 'postmodern' age, therefore we describe art of this time - our time - as Contemporary.

In historical senses, it is too early to decide if what is being produced now will be seen as 'art'. The perimeters of the times change so rapidly and how those times are analysed changes also. It may be, in the future, that the death of art (as declared by Danto) could really have happened. Or it could be that there is a new age of art growing from the mass of new ideas and technology being used by so many that we are only now seeing a glimpse of.

What is absolutely certain is that contemporary art has provoked more discussion and debate in today's culture than ever before. Is that a bad thing?
Reply:, Absolutely right in your assumption on this kind of so called ART

it`s money for old rope,in other words "Con Art"

I like my art don the old fashioned way,something i can understand and appreciate,like the Blue Lady or Constables

famous Hay Wain, art that is art.Something i would

hang on my wall.

Think i will have a lie down also.
Reply:i do so totally agree with you. some "artists" can't draw to save their lives, and use other forms of "art" which can be rather beautiful, such as making an exquisite sculpture or something which really makes us think. Then along comes a computer worshipper who believe they can do ANYTHING on computers, even art, and they print off something they "sketched" with their mouse or some drawing programme, and call the computer's artwork, their artwork, and in so doing, claim a piece of fame for something which was really put together by a computer. its pretty much like any person painting by numbers, and saying its their work by virtue of them having changed one or two of the preset images.

I paint and would be extremely embarrassed to present a drawing which had been traced or fabricated by someone or something other than my own two hands, i think, an artist should be defined by that, when something is done by the hands of a person, or some body part (in case the person isnt able to use his/her hands for some or other reason).
Reply:I asked the same question last week, you should see some of the pretentious answers I got. One person even said " the fact that you have even had to ask the question proves its art". What a complete pile of cr@p. I agree with you totally, these so called artists are nothing more than confidence tricksters, and whats sad is all the so called intellectuals are falling for it. Mind you if I could find someone daft enough to pay a million quid for a pile of bricks, I'm sure I could fake a pretentious attitude as well.
Reply:"All Art is Quite useless."

Oscar Wilde.
Reply:In my opinion, modern art of the type you mention, is junk.

But if there are buyers, it will continue to get worse.
Reply:The appreciation of any of the many forms of art is I think...just like is in the eye of the beholder !! Look at a detailed work..say by the Dutch masters and note the light effects caught by the artist in landscapes and the shading on satin and velvet clothing etc;Then look at Modern art renderings using simple bold brushstrokes and vivid blocks of colour and I can see what many of these works are trying to say via the canvas!!There are so many offerings that are presented as art, but the halves of dead cows and piles of broken concrete blocks don't do anything for me I'm afraid.But having said that..there are many who see these works and find them artistic.. I am unfortunate that due to injury ..I have lost some of my sight and I now understand art more than at any other time of my life and will continue to do so ..till the lights go out..........
Reply:The kind of art you write about is installation art, when the artist uses the existing room or area to create their work. That way, the art transports you to a world where you can open your mind to a different way of thinking. Metaphors (like bricks) are often used.

This kind of work creates an atmosphere in which the artist can project his or her ideas.
Reply:no i agree with that this modern art is what i would call scribbles on a piece of paper my 4year old cousin could do better and light's go on and off in my house all the time maby i might get an A+ who knows?????
Reply:Well friend you do make alot of sense, your quiet ovservant at least you have a good value-judgment of your enviroment.

To be direct, art existed long before man realize that i was art. The word "ART" started as a label of anything higher than craft, thoughas time passed the general public started to accept craft as art. Later on people from the academe would argue to what standards should art fell, like wise primitive practicioners of this act did the same.

Well to be honest, art for me is anything that is man made and came about a cognitive process of arrangement. People most often times forget that ther are many forms of art.

To be specific lets start with the two most basic branches, FINE ARTS and APPLIED ARTS.

Fine Arts, are most basically concerns itself with thge experiment of aesthtics (beauty, what looks good, pleasing not pleasing, arrange, not arrange and many other)

Applied Arts is when the idea in the fine arts are applied to general living thus they are called "designs". The design of the chair you are sitting on, teh shirt you are wearing, shoes, the monitor the keyboard you are using the building you are living with.

This two branches co-exist and there is ambigious border among them, but aside from this we have the greatest brach, the mother branch. The WORLD OF ARTS, this is where music, dance or shall we say performace art, then we have liberal arts- the news papers, the writters the novelist not to forget we have the marshall arts, see art is art when man intended it be art, you are free not to label your act as art, but if one intended it to be art, then it is art.

Art came about when man said that it was art.
Reply:Hope you've had a lie down and recovered!!!

Some of it can be a bit pretencions to say the least...Beauty is in the eye of the's all down to personal taste, if I don't understand something, doesn't necessarily mean I don't like it. I won't read into a piece of art something I personally can't see. You can go to the Tate Modern and hear so much rubbish spouted about a red square painted on a white background....if I like to look at it then fair enough...but phewwwwwww.....I need a lie down now !!!!
Reply:First of all, that's not Modern Art. What you're thinking about is Contemporary Conceptual Art. Modern Art finished up in the 1950s or thereabouts, although many would disagree ...

Now with regard to Contemporary Conceptual Art, well, it's a bit of a laugh really, it certainly cracks me up when I see it, and I'm an artist myself. I mean, you have to admire the sheer neck of some of these people.

Recently I saw a brilliant exhibition in which the spectators were the subject matter - using quite advanced computer and audiovisual technology, two artists set up a show in which the viewers were 'drawn' or 'painted' onto a big white wall, and their movements captured, it was so very clever. There was also ordinary video in which viewers could see themselves walking around with people who had been in the room before, it was also quite good. I went back to see it three times, I liked it so much. And did the Birdy Song dance to see what the camera/ computer media would make of it. The results were just priceless.

This was in the Limerick City Gallery a few weeks back, if you're wondering.
Reply:Anything that is percieved as art is art. Art is in the eye of the beholder.
Reply:i dont believe it is
Reply:Yes, it is art. Artist is the one that makes a solution become a problem!

I think that art represents what we live. It is what we express thanks to our life experience, in consequence, if we can express ourselves in that way (modern art), it is art!
Reply:I'd like to think that in the future a lot of so called modern art will be dismissed as rubbish - but I WISH people would see that NOW! It reminds me of the Emperor's New Clothes - people being told that this is art and believing it when really it's nothing at all
Reply:All is art and everything involves science.
Reply:art is an way of expressing yourself. just as we don't get on with people we won't understand some art. that doesn't stop it being art!
Reply:I'll tell you what, if thats what they are calling art these days, then I'd like to submit some of my 15 month old daughters work, We'll make a fortune!!!
Reply:Nope Modern Art isn't Art , in my opinion!

Art was Leonardo DA Vinci ( Mona Lisa ) , Michelangelo ( the Sistine Chapel) , Bernini ( Fountain of the Four Rivers ) , Rembrandt ( Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp ) , Sandro Botticelli ( The Birth of Venus ) ...

But for me this was art!! I think the answer of your Question is hidden in the definition of WHAT IS ART ??
Reply:no, most is a pile of poop! literally!!!

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