i was watching a crap martial arts club today and i was thinking to myself hmm they suck. But what i realised later was that i was an arogant prick. i mean sure they were no bruce lee's but are they really supposed to be i mean deep down arent martial arts just supposed to give you physical fitness and confidence? and who am i to say that they were not really good because there chosen martial art had given them this. this experience has changed me and left me a broken man. i want to study a martal art again but which one should i chose. I dont feel worthy to chose any i am to arogant to join to obey. what to do what to do. I cant stand the lack of ability but at the same time i know that there is no lack of ability its all just a matter of perspective. i cant cope man i cant cope its game over . what martial art will teach me to become truly humble and not judge?
Which martial art will build my humility the best?
Wow, great question. It has the roots of its own answer. Approach life as a student. In ancient times monks used to carry an empty bowl to symbolize the readiness to be filled.
Be hungry to learn.
Don't look so much for the art as much as find a good school. Try to find one that teaches along traditional lines. Steer away from MMA style schools cropping up all over trying to catch the wave of the next fad.
Remember the greatest martial artist will be defeated by someone. This is a great thing because it shows we all have room to grow.
Don't loose heart. Just remember to bring an empty bowl. Good luck.
Reply:no martial arts are about fighting thats what the definition of a martial art is, a skill pertaining to combat(and yes for conquest or more accurately martial refers to fighting in order to gain more land, power or women, that is the definition like it or not). its been twisted by people trying to make money and get away with not teaching you to actually fight. the one that will teach you humility the best is the one where you will get beaten up many times, its difficult to be arrogant when you're getting knocked out or tapped on a frequent basis, and it stays with you, you ever wonder why most wrestlers/boxers are really nice guys? its cause they get beaten all the time, and that teaches you respect, more than bowing and scraping your nose on the floor to further inflate sensei's already overblown sense of selfworth, and lack of humility. if you find an actual fighter who is arrogant there is a reason for it, its because they're damn good, and deserve to be confident, which is usually what it is they're very confident not arrogant. some people will always be arrogant no matter what, and nothing can help them.
Reply:If you were to imagine this scene, In the mall one guy goes in to buy a juicy Whooper burger and at the same time across from him another guy is buying a letus sandwich, they both look at eachother, the letus guy is thinking
"what an idiot, that guy is going to have his arterys clogged up by the time he is 40 while im going to stay healthy"
The burger guy is thinking
"what a dooge, life is short and we all die anyway, i might as well enjoy this whooper, can't wait to see the look on that guys face when they drop the nuke and he goes bye bye"
Two guys, both after the same general thing, food, but both have different philosophys and values in life. One doesnt care about health and wants enjoynment, the other would sacrifice taste for better nutrition
Along come a third guy, he looks at both the food stands and thinks, hmmm, I know that if I eat a burger that it's not going to be good for me in the long run, and I think i value my health at the moment, I can eat the burger once in a while for fun but i'll wait till im old and am about to die anyway before I make it my diet
he looks at both guys and instantly understands where both guys are coming from, he respects that letus guy can eat only lettus and that he wants too look after his body, and he also admires the "don't take life too seriusly, you wont get out of it alive" attitude of the burger guy.
Suddenly a salesman from both the food shops comes up to the guy, the burger salesman sayes to him
"hey man, this burger is the healthyest thing on earth, it's way more healthy than all this other stuff, theres this guy who ate this burger for 10 years and he is uber healthy, im serius"
And the letus salesman says
"hey mate, this lettus is off the hook, if you eat this lettus all the girls will be all over you"
The guy looks stuned for a moment, then cracks up with laughter, and proceeds to beat the crap out of them with his KYOKUSHIN skills :) (a little prduct placement there)
You see, in the martial art world there are burgers, there are sandwiches, and sometimes imaginary sandwiches, some are expansive, some are cheap, for some you get great value, others only cost allot because they are in a good neighbour hood. all you have to worry about is what you want, do you want to be strictly practicle, do you want to have flashy moves to impress the girls, do you want to develop your mind and keep your body healthy? Martial arts all have different purposes, but you need to understand that if someone tryes to sell you something that it's not, turning it away has nothing to do with you being humble or not and everything to do with them selling something off to you, have respect but be realistic as well, martial arts is about humility but i like to think it's also about having some balls and giving your opinion once in a while, and sometimes there wont be enough evidence for you to judge something, in that case just make YOUR choice and walk away
I had fun writing this :) thanx
Reply:I think Aikido would have the most "moral training". They are very deep into that. Also Chi Gong or Tai Chi, they are both very mind broadening.
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