Monday, November 16, 2009

Is it possible to model for nude art and be a Christian?

Is it possible to model for nude art and be a Christian? One of my really good friends models for nude art. I'm not going to lie, she has a really nice body with the hour glass shape and is really fit and in good shape. I can see why she models for nude art, though one thing about her is that she's a Christian. I asked her if that goes against her religion to model for nude art and she says it doesn't. She tells me that art is a form of expression and that nude art is a beautiful form of art that has been around for many years. She has invited me to some of her art sessions and from what i noticed it seems as though she models for erotic nude art, with her posing with other female models in sexual erotic artistic poses. Is it possible to model for nude art and still remain a faithful Christian?

Here's an example of one of her art photos she models in:

she is on the left

Is it possible to model for nude art and be a Christian?
It saddens me to hear questions like this. In a world with so much crime and people in need you are judging someone's value as a christian based on such an insignificant thing. I think you should focus less on the morality of someone taking their clothes off, of their own free will in a way that makes them happy and spend more time and energy helping those in need and trying to make the world a better place.
Reply:Yes it is possible. VERY possible!

Those are NOT art photos.

They are designed to cause lust and they did.

I would love to get her to take a look at real art! You can see my photos there.

The image I saw was not a figurenude. It would be seen by most as porn. Showing the entire head is pornography in many strict Islamic areas! The word porn is relative to the viewer's standards.

A Christian can be VERY wrong and can be misled.

Particular attention should be given to Romans 14.

I placed a link to it in the King James Version above.

At one point in the development of the early church there was an 'uproar' about eating meat. I am sure it started because of the sale of meat that had been sacrificed to the local idols. It was probably less expensive and some churchgoers felt that to eat it was complicit in some way.

The writer provides his opinion that no food was bad in itself. He then said that if eating meat offended a neighbor, it was not done around the neighbor in love.

It said that if you feel something is not wrong you should not allow it to be called evil. has the world's best figurenude photographers. I am one presented there.

I have many neighbors who feel ALL nudity is evil. To them it is.

However in itself nudity is NOT evil. If God had wanted the figure to be presented nude, He would have done it first Himself! The skins of the animals He clothed the newly fallen, sinful humans in was the very fist illustration that a 'blood' sacrifice was required for sins.

I bet He could have just had Adam and Eve grow fur and not be naked instead of killing an animal to collect animal skins. The Bible does not offer all surrounding details. We are free to wonder what type animal it was and if God also made the first steak after skinning the animal.

I try to remain a faithful Christian. Still, - I have sinned already 4 times this year. Humor. A Christian can model as a figurenude or do figurenude photography. They can also repent for modeling for something they hope will cause another to sin in a direct contradiction to Romans 14:13.

Particularly in this case I might add that getting a breast augmentation like it appears she has done is another type sin. Anyone who has that type surgery is trying to cause sin/lust?

Oops; - it appears I am up to 10 sins this year now. Ha
Reply:Praise Jesus!!
Reply:I was really ready to answer this in the affirmative...YES! You can be a Christian and pose nude for a life art class! But...then I saw the link you provided. This isn't's porn. This is meant to titilate and arouse. This left art a long time ago and went straight to pornography. This is TOTALLY inappropriate for a Christian. Were she only posing in a totally natural and non-sexual manner, this would be fine, but obvious erotic nature of this drawing goes too far. She needs to re-evaluate her relationship with God, and re-evaluate her participation in this pornographic venue. I pray that she makes the right choice.
Reply:Of course it is possible to work as a figure or glamour model and still be a Christian! I am both a Christian and a photographer and I see absolutely nothing wrong with the innocent image to which you provided a link. It is regrettable that some people will only see what they choose to see and condemn your friend for no reason. Perhaps they are jealous of the physical gifts that our loving God has bestowed upon her and rather than celebrate her attributes, they'd condemn her! If we're quoting scripture, what about this one: Judge not lest ye be judged!
Reply:This is definitely not a Christian thing to do. A true Christian should ask themselves 'What would Jesus do?' Or 'What would Jesus think if I did this,,or if he saw me doing this' In this case, I don't think Jesus would do that, and I think that if he saw her doing something like that, he would not be too happy.

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