Monday, April 12, 2010

What martial art system did the Roman Legion troops used?

As we all know it,every civilization had one martial art system.From what I heard,historians discovered records in ancient Roman forts and barracks showing instructions of performing a full hybrid combat system that explained fighting with weaponry,fighting unarmed,and grappling and wrestling techiques.According to historians,the manual seems to have taken a lot from the Greek martial art Pankration,the fighting system of the Gauls,and martial arts from groups the Romans have conquered.Anyone aware of this?Could anyone who knows about this tell me the name of the martial art of the Roman Legion and leave weblinks to websites that tell more about this martial art?I would appreaciate it.

What martial art system did the Roman Legion troops used?
Also remember the boxing and wrestling they talk of bears little resemblance to what we see today .One famous fighter was known by the greek word for "fingers" as his favorite technique was to grasp and break the fingers of his opponents.

In the field they used a variation of the GREEK PHALANX a moving wall of shields and spears .
Reply:Boxing,wrestling, pankration. I don't think there was a codified system with a name like we see in oriental MA. It would probably have shared the latin name for 'fighting', or 'battle'.
Reply:There is an instructor, Jim Arvanitis that is in the northeast U.S. that has taught Pankration for 30 or so years. It is a mixed art that borrows heavily from the ancient Greek and european arts. Here is his website. He may have some good info.
Reply:Boxing and wrestling for sure.
Reply:Sounds good. I can't find any record of such a find though.
Reply:Im not sure but Pankration has influenced many martial arts around the mediterranean. You might be referring to Khridoli. It orgininated in the country of Georgia in Europe but i dont know too much about it. Here's an article, hope it helps.

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