Monday, May 4, 2009


Still Life with Violin and Fruit by pablo picasso

ok i need to write up one paragraph for each of these 3 frames

subjective frame

structural frame

cultural frame

im really stuck in the subjective frame paragraph....

i know is like ...what is your irst impression ...what do you see, hear...what is he emotional impace....what do i feel, recall remember....what am i remainded of....what intuition or imagingings do i have about the art i like it..what hasit got to do with me and my experiences...what emotions does the artist want to express...why did he make it....what is it about...

i know i need to answer all those questions while writting my paragraph...but i have no idea...i just don't see any emotion it it or how it can relate to me....

i need help ..if you know a website that explains all this on this art work then please help me ...or if you have any idea on what i could write ...i would really really aprecciate it!!

ok. so what you need to do to properly answer this "subjective frame" is to describe your experience as a viewer: this does not have to be an "emotional" one. to start with, as a viewer, you have some fairly objective information that you have to contend with, such as the title, "still life with violin and fruit." do you see the fruit? do you see the violin? are you able to decipher these objects when you look at the painting? you may want to describe your ability/or inability to see these things. picasso is giving you a title that gives you a clue to what these objects are, but ultimately it is up to YOU, the viewer, to decide if you see these things or not. that is what i would write about, the process of recognizing these objects. take your reader on the journey that you went through in looking at the painting. start out by describing exactly what you see, and it may be a good idea NOT to talk about how it makes you "Feel." Subjectivity is just as much about the way you SEE something as it is about the way it makes you feel. Don't look for emotion, but rather look at the picture in front of you.

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