Monday, November 16, 2009

Art versus commercialism?

In an age where art tries its best to survive and flourish against commodification (art being commodified, degraded into becoming a mere commodity rather that statement of art OR art iself). What is the place of art in an age like this?

Art versus commercialism?
Wonderful question .. it's on my mind as well a lot these days.

Rarely does anyone give a nod to the HUGE impact of television on our society.

Where once 'art trends' swept through the arts (like minimalism or expressionism) and impacted painting, music, theater and dance - for the past 40 years the art scene is simply stagnating.

The last Celebrated Icons were Andy Warhol and Truman Capote and that was quite some time ago.

Art funding is dropping -- for example, in the dance world only the pre-60's companies get money (Graham, Taylor, Ailey) and they are mostly trotting out 'masterpieces' and not vital nor vibrant.

There has only been one single art movement that has had any impact in painting, music, art, dance and theater and that is ... hip hop!

Bling -- may your star shine true.

Television is certainly the opiate of the masses, it's quality is dropping to the lowest common themes -- blood, sex and magic.

Egads, I know an artist who's claim to fame is that he created a font and sold it to VH-1.

So ... art itself is being buried and our 'art world' is being flooded with mere craftsmen. And ... personally ... I blame the television.

Betcha your TV is on right now!
Reply:Thus, it becomes a symbol of status. Yet another marker of the "haves" and "have-nots".

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